Friday, December 07, 2007

Thanks, That Was Fun

Well, I think I'm done going to my Aspie group. Which is great for me, because it means I can return to the full Denial that I've been in for the past three years. I hate being an Aspie. Every part of me that I hate is a part of me that is changed by Asperger's. I hate those parts. It's hard not to hate myself. I just have to not think about it.


Unknown said...

{{{HUGS}}} I am a compulsive eater and I am trying to learn to be grateful for that because of how much I have overcome and grown because of it. But that is so hard, most of the time I just think it sucks to be compulsive about anything!

Is the video Brian or is it something random you found to express how you feel about the group? I like his music!

anna and wells said...

Oh my gosh, what a complete turn around. Did something happen at the group meeting? I hope you are doing ok. Call me!

Who is this person playing. I like the song. How did you find this song? It goes so well with how you're feeling.