Sunday, December 30, 2007

Boy Things: Legos & Wrestling

Today I thought I'd share with you what the boys have been up to all week during this school-free time. They've been doing... wait for it... boy things!

Lots of Lego assembing...

My mom bought them the biggest Lego set that Brian or I have EVER seen! It is a ship from Star Wars. You'll have to ask them which one, but I think it was in an opening sequence once. It's Darth Vader's ship.

This ottoman is 4'x4', which makes this ship almost 3 feet long!

Very detailed. My husband, oh - I mean, my sons, enjoyed assembling it.

Great detail in the back of the ship too.

This is a video I just took this afternoon of the boys wrestling. I'm hoping that this video will entertain their younger cousins for a while. :-)
Love you all!!!


Mia said...

Merry Christmas! Looks like you had a good time putting together the leogs, or at least watching the boys put together the legos. I certianly don't have the patience for something so small and detailed. I am really proud of them!

Brooke said...

Thanks Mia! Fortunately, their Dad is quite the Legomaniac, so I didn't assemble a single thing! But yes, those boys (all three of them) did a great job!