Lots of Lego assembing...
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Boy Things: Legos & Wrestling
Lots of Lego assembing...
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Merry Christmas
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Happy Birthday Sam!
Here is a video I recorded of him last week. I went out into the library, and saw him happily sitting in the rocking chair, listening to his nursery rhymes on his little kid mp3 player, and singing along. It was so great, so I got out the camera to record it. Below he's singing BINGO, and in his song they clap when you skip a letter. The funny part is that I think he's singing "Farmer Brownie had a dog". It's so cute!
Monday, December 17, 2007
I Slept!
Thanks to help from my Dad and from lots of research (both of which are only the result of me admitting my problems -- guess admitting really is a good thing!) I think I've figured out how to sleep.
My doctor put me on a low dose of melatonin, that didn't do the trick. He added 5-htp, and that worked sometimes, because I have too much dopamine naturally. But there are still times, averaging about three times a week, throughout the past few years, that I was easily up till 2:30 or 3:30am.
Ever since that 2-week cold I had (ending one week ago), my sleep schedule is really off, since my congestion kept me up at night, and sometimes I napped during the day. Wednesday night this past week I didn't get to sleep till 5:30am, and Friday night, until 9:00am. This has been a hard thing to go through.
That second night reminded me of prom night, in which a group of us hung out at my house after prom and listened to music and danced and watched movies until sunrise so that we could all go have breakfast together. It was a tradition. (Don't worry, no alcohol, drugs, or sex occurred that night.) Anyway, I remember watching the sunrise that morning and thinking how odd it felt. Same thing this week. The sun came up, but it was like I couldn't figure out why.
One fun thing, though... around 6am (Saturday morning now) I went outside and the stars were so beautiful in the cool winter air (the cold air and less humidity makes the stars look really clear and sparkly -- check it out!). I saw Orion on the West horizon, about to set. I'd never seen Orion set before. Only on a winter's morning can you see that. It was so pretty. And Mars was there too. Then, the next evening, I saw Orion come up in the East sky, about 11 hours later. That's the cool part of being awake all night. The rest of it, not cool, so I don't recommend it just for the stars. :-)
Anyway, I figured out that if I add Taurine (an amino acid) and GABA (Gamma-aminobutyric acid) to the other things I was taking in the evening, it works! It totally removes all the "bugs" or feelings of not being able to rest in my nervous system. It is perfect. Now that I solved the actual problem, I expect to get off the melatonin once my circadian rhythm adjusts.
GABA is an inhibitory neurotransmitter, which is exactly what I needed: something to calm my brain down so that I could rest. Don't worry, it doesn't make me stupid or stop thinking or anything, just calms down the excess nerves, so that I'm like other people when they lay down to sleep. :-)
So, to sum up, I just got a full night's sleep TWO nights in a row! :-) I slept almost a full night Saturday night, and slept eight whole hours last night. Hooray!
To match with the theme of this blog entry, I'll leave you with another song from the Barenaked Ladies: "Who Needs Sleep?". This is Ed Robertson again, in his bathroom. This song helped me get through years of insomnia, just knowing I wasn't alone. :-)
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Doing Better
I got a full night's sleep last night, which meant the world to me! I took extra vitamins and amino acids known for helping tics and they worked, and I have a lot fewer bugs, and I slept almost all night. It was great.
The kids and I got a lot of great schoolwork done. Laundry is done. Oh, and the problem that was arising in my Aspie group has probably been resolved, so that's better too. You were right, Jessica. Some work needed to be done, but some of it indeed happened on its own.
The sad news is that my sister broke her ankle. I feel so sorry that that happened. The really bad news about it is that not only is next week her birthday, and her job requires her to walk around the whole time, but the week after that she's moving into her first house! So, these next two weeks should've been her packing, then going to work, then packing, etc. Oh ya, and taking care of my sweet nephews. Followed by the need to move everything she owns into a new home in two weeks. I wish I lived closer and could go help her. I know there are people there to help her, family and friends. I guess I just wish I was one of them.
Get well soon, Krysten!!! :-)
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Thanks Anyway
I have kept all this a secret for years partially to avoid this discussion. However, in doing so, I therefore have been allowing myself to deny my physical problems, even to myself. By writing some of them here, and thereby informing someone on this planet other than my husband, I'm forcing myself to take stock in my own health and admit my body's failings.
I don't want to admit these failings. I did nothing to cause them except to be born. Yet I did, and still do feel that they appear to be something indicative of mistreatment of a body, such as overeating, or improper mental health. Yet they are not. I therefore feel highly embarrassed about these things, and, well, let's just say I have very strong emotions about how much I hate this and am embarrassed by it. However, I can admit it and begin treating physical problems accordingly, or I can continue to get sicker and sicker until my usefulness in this life has become even more negligible.
So, please be patient with me. I'm working on it.
Man, I'm upset tonight. Can you tell? :-)
Note: I'm upset at the situation, I'm not upset with any person. :-)
But this morning, EARLY this morning, it went too far. It's happening in my sleep! Now that's just really not fair. I woke up at 5am this morning to every muscle in my right arm burning with pain. As I slowly came out of sleep, I realized that my arm kept going into full spasm/convulsions. I kept hoping it would stop, and the pain would go down, and I could go back to sleep, but now it's almost 8am, so clearly sleep won't be coming again this morning. I'm really tired because like most nights, I didn't get to sleep until 1:30am, because the bugs always keep me from going to sleep. The bugs have been keeping me up for years, sometimes as late as 3am! I put some of Leanne's wonderful sore muscle cream on my arm, and after ten or fifteen minutes it felt better. But then, since I was forcing my arm still, the bugs really built up!
In the three years I've known I have Asperger Syndrome, I thought these movements were what they call "stims", short for self-stimulating behavior. But in the past week, since I'm coming out of denial, I've been trying to learn more about myself. And the more I read about stims, I've learned that sometimes that description doesn't apply. I do stim, apparently, but most of what I thought were stims were this other spasming thing. I was even wondering earlier this week if it was simple partial seizures, since sometimes my arm and my foot on the same side of my body will move at the exact same time.
Anyway, I never understood the term "stimulating", since my movements were to get the bugs out, to get rid of the extra stimulation that was lurking in my body. I never figured it out until this morning. All my life, I thought I was making it all up, or just moving for fun, but doing it in my sleep, and until my arm is killer sore -- well, that means it's real and I need to stop denying it as well.
Fortunately, for some reason the answer was easy to find on the internet. I read descriptions, and it's not stimming, it's not Tourette's, it's not seizures (I don't think), but it is perfectly described by "tics". So, that's nice to know, at least I know what's going on. Oh, and the other good news is that I think I found a vitamin supplement that might help me with it! I'll have to run to the store today to try that.
Maybe this is a good thing. I've been trying to make the bugs calm down and to solve my insomnia for years, it's very important to me. Maybe this will finally help me figure it out. :-)
So, here's the running list of things I have that are co-morbid to (meaning also may accompany) my Aspergers. (Meaning things related to. I also have a messed up ankle and a huge blind spot in one eye, but those things aren't related. See what I mean? There are lots of other co-morbid conditions with Aspergers that I don't have, and am grateful I don't have, such as epilepsy, depression, and ADHD.)
Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome
Digestive Intolerance of Gluten, Dairy, and possibly Soy
Central Auditory Processing Disorder
Well, I'm going to go take some tylenol because my arm is still killing me and I can't type anymore. I can't believe I hurt my own arm in my sleep!
Well, have a great Tuesday.
Sunday, December 09, 2007
More scenes for your computer background.
Saturday, December 08, 2007
That was Barenaked Ladies
Thanks Analisa and Anna. You are great to me. Thanks for the kind words.
As far as my group, I think I'll keep going to every other meeting. Maybe I'll take a friend or Brian with me. I've been having a difference of opinion with someone. I think the root of it is that I hate being an Aspie and she really likes it, and I just don't understand that. I'll tell you about next time we talk, Anna. Thanks for your concern.
So, still sick, two weeks now. First it was a head cold, then it was in my lungs, the same bronchitis and pneumonia I've had all my life. Then, when I thought it was time to get better, I got that ear infection that I got previously this summer. I've been lax on the preventative herbs (echinacea and goldenseal) and zicam this year, so I'm realizing I need to use them like crazy, like I did before, if I want to stay healthy. I can do that. And I'm taking antibiotic ear drops again. My lungs are clearing out, and I haven't had a fever in two days. So, I'm definitely on the path to getting better. I just still need to rest for a few days.
The video isn't Brian, though that was a sweet guess! :-)
No, that's Ed Robertson of Barenaked Ladies, from their album Disc One: All Their Greatest Hits. http://www.bnlmusic.com/ They're my favorite group. He just recorded songs in his bathroom earlier this year, so this is from that group (The Bathroom Sessions). And ya, the day was just reminding me of that song.
Go here on You Tube to see lots of Bathroom Sessions songs: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYS0AWSfIB8
Here is the full band playing and the video to the song. The video is interesting because they took video footage from their previous videos, but changed the mouths digitally to make it match up with this new song.