Thursday, June 21, 2007

School Pictures

Happy First Day of Summer!

It's time again for School Pictures for the coming 2007-2008 school year! I take them in the summer every year (as opposed to the fall) so that the pictures can be used to make our school photo IDs. We get them made from Homeschool It's been a great thing for us to have.

Here are the pictures for this year, taken this morning, what cute kids!:

age 7.5
entering 2nd Grade

age 5.5
entering Kindergarten


Kelley said...

That is a very interesting idea. Wow. We'll have to look into that. Thanks for bringing that to my attention.

Also, thanks for your comments. I love to read them.

w.W. said...

Cute pictures!! from Anna not wells

Mia said...

WOW I can't believe how much the boys have grown up! They are of course handsome as can be :)