Tuesday, February 17, 2009

My niece is born!

Baby Marley is here! My only niece. She is perfectly healthy!!

February 17, 2009. 6 weeks early.

3 pounds, 14 ounces. 16 3/4" long 9/10 apgar

no wires or tubes at all. no oxygen.
breathing completely on her own. very healthy, especially for such a small baby.

they say if she eats well, they can release her from the NICU in 24 hours. this is amazing, we thought she'd be in there a month.

Kim did a great job! She had a pretty serious c-section, and is in a lot of pain and stress right now. Hopefully she will sleep well tonight.

Marley has dark brown hair, blue eyes, round face, and very big lips. She is beautiful!

1 comment:

Mia said...

Congratulations to your family!!! Welcome baby Marley. I hope your sister is doing well.