Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Alexander broke his arm

Just wanted to let everyone know that Alexander broke his arm today. He fractured his radius bone in his left forearm. Not a full break, but not a hairline fracture either, a real one that we were able to see on the x-rays. In one angle, there was a visible dark line all the way across the bone, and on another angle, you could see that the bone had been compressed and misplaced, like crushing a coke can by squeezing the top and bottom together. It looked like land after an earthquake, when a fence has been moved over a few feet.

Anyway, he's fine, very fine. He was playing at a friend's house and did some funny twist-fall and fell off a swing. The mom and I and Alexander talked on the phone a lot, and keep in good monitoring of the situation. The mom they were with was so wonderful in taking care of him for me! I decided to just let him rest for a while and see if it still hurt later. Usually my kids are perfectly fine after 30 minutes of resting, so I wanted to see if that was the case this time. So, they watched a movie and put ice on it. Later, when I went to pick him up, it still hurt. He said it stinged. He never cried or anything, so it was hard to tell how much he was hurt. He's very stoic, my friend said. It's true. There was one direction he couldn't turn his wrist at all. He was up, and playing with his friends, and moving around, but he wasn't using that arm at all. Those things, plus the fact that he was still in sharp pain led me to take him to the Urgent Care Center to get it checked out.

Right now he's fine, he's just resting. He's just on Jr. Tylenol, so it's really not the worst pain in the world. He's good unless he tries to move it. He's fine and just getting used to doing things one-handed. Thank goodness his right hand is okay, his school teacher doesn't want to have to write out all of his homework for the next month! hehe :-)

Right now, he has a half cast on, held on with ace bandages. They call it a splint. He'll wear that for a few days. He also has a sling. The immobilizing with the splint and sling has helped a great deal, since it was the bumping and moving that caused him pain.

Tomorrow, another doctor is going to look at his x-rays. She'll determine if it's something she can cast herself, or if he needs to go to a specialist. Either way, he'll be getting a full cast in a few days, probably on Monday. They don't know yet if it will be just below the elbow, or above the elbow. The cast will probably be on for 3-4 weeks.

That's it for now, just wanted to keep everyone informed. A few pictures are attached, and a few more are on Facebook. If you want to contact Alex, you can use email, Skype, or call my phone.

He's still going to go to everything, all of his normal events, but he may not be running around quite as much.


Bry n Dani Family said...

Sorry to hear about your accident. He's such a champ! Hang in there buddy! So tough!

Au said...

i love how quickly he recovers from things. hes got a great mom to help him heal. thanks for the details and the pictures, so we dont have to worry. love you all!

Aunt Kimmy said...

dont know why i hit enter...i meant to type my identity as 'aunt kimmy' not simply AU...although i am golden! hehe, youre probably the only one who will get that, luv u!

Mia said...

Oh bummer! I hope that he is feeling ok in spite of the broken arm.