Saturday, December 01, 2007


Welcome to December. Today's my grandpa's birthday. Let's see, he would've been 104 years old! Wow.

I've been sick all week, so nothing really unusual is happening here. Just doing the bare basics, like school and feeding children. I should've taken my Zicam last week when the 3 boys were sick and I was still healthy, but I've gotten lax over the summer. I now have Zicam in my possession and will use it more piously this winter.

Above are two pictures for your collection. I'm going to start sharing pictures with you, pretty scenery pictures that I have taken, that you can click on (to get the big version) then save to your computer and use as a great desktop wallpaper. Enjoy.

I've rediscovered Rush, the band, this week. I used to love them, and listened to them (along with my boyfriends) throughout all of high school. I'm having a great time listening to the songs again. Here's one video I found. I just love watching Neil Peart play the drums. He's the best!

1 comment:

anna and wells said...

I love the ocean picture.