Friday, November 23, 2007


Happy Thanksgiving!
Here's a picture Brian took with his camera phone of our table before it was attacked by four hungry people. You can tell that we should have cleaned the camera lens first. :-)
I just wanted to post this because so many of you, my wonderful friends, asked what we were doing for Thanksgiving, and I just kept saying that we're staying home and not doing much. I realized later that it might have sounded like we skip the holiday altogether, but not so! Every year I cook a full Thanksgiving meal, and it was quite enjoyed! Actually, it's still being enjoyed -- thru leftovers! Have a great cold and rainy weekend!


Kelley said...

I did that last year, but this year I have been so sick from pregnancy that I was delighted when we were invited over by some friends.

Brooke said...

Yes, pregnancy will definitely slow down a holiday. And congratulations, by the way!

We invite a family over every year, multiple families most years. However, about 2/3rds of the years we can never find a family that's staying in town for the holiday. That's what happened this year as well.

Everyone seems to have family somewhere in the Dallas area, which is a driveable distance away.

In fact, it was funny this year. Last Sunday, the husband in a family we invited over asked what we were doing for Thanksgiving. We said "we invited you over, but your wife says you'll be in Dallas". He said he didn't know they had been invited, but that he'd actually prefer our house because it was less of a drive. It was quite funny. :-)